Hyena Saved from Double Snare Peril in Sabi Sands: A Testament to Rapid Wildlife Rescue Efforts

A hyena was recently found in the northern Sabi Sands after crossing from Manyeleti, entangled with two snares. It had a double-looped copper snare around its neck and a cable snare around its hind leg.

The snare rescue group (@africanwildlifevets, @wildwonderful_world, @down2the_wire and @blueskysociety) responded quickly to offer support and Dr Joel Alves ,@the_conservation_vet, successfully removed the snares. Despite the initial damage, the prognosis for the hyenas recovery is good.

This incident serves as a reminder of the challenges wildlife faces and the importance of prompt and professional veterinary care in these situations.

We extend our thanks to @africageo for their support, which enabled us to respond to this operation.
